
When I was 18, I went to Karakoram range in Pakistan, I climbed Mount K2. Not metaphorically — I literally climbed the highest mountain on Earth.
While I was hiking, I thought about quitting approximately 5,000 times. (And that’s a lowball estimate.) But despite the high winds, low altitude, mental and physical fatigue, and trail mix overdose, I kept going. I’m that person. Once I say I’ll do something, it will happen. Now, I put that perseverance to work as CEO of Duqa Transportation, Inc. I don’t have to climb any mountains…but I do have to move them. I’m well-versed in negotiations, planning and development, relationship management, operations, and logistics coordination and scheduling. If you’re interested in grabbing coffee and talking shop (or to hear how I almost fell off the mountain at 27K feet), please send an email my way.